GreenPIR®AL is a revolution in thermal insulation. A single panel provides almost twice the level of thermal insulation than layers of expanded polystyrene or mineral wool of the same thickness.

Polyurethane thermal insulation is also safe and does not absorb water, making it ideal for buildings designed to last decades.

GreenPIR®AL panels are truly versatile. They can be installed as thermal insulation for floors, hollow walls, flat roofs, green roofs and pitched roofs. Another great benefit of GreenPIR®AL insulation installed on pitched roofs is that it can be laid over rafters to eliminate all potential cold bridges.

Save for years

GreenPIR ®AL has the lowest thermal conductivity at λ = 0.021 (W/m K). This guarantees excellent thermal insulation with an insulating layer that is almost half the thickness of most other insulating materials. This means huge savings on heating bills in the winter and lower energy bills when using the air conditioner in the summer. The total purchase and installation costs pay off within 4-6 years.

Resistance to moisture penetration

GreenPIR®AL panels have a very low hygroscopicity (< 2%), which prevents numerous problems caused by moisture in the thermal insulation layers, including mold and fungus infestation or reduced insulation efficiency.

Biological corrosion resistance

Unlike other thermal insulation materials on the market, GreenPIR®AL panels are completely impermeable to

VOCs and vermin, including insects, rodents and birds.

Environmental protection

GreenPIR®AL is a PIR (polyisocyanurate) core thermal insulation panel system that is 100% % does not contain CFCs.

PIR is made from polyols derived from rapeseed oil and is recyclable.


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